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Pioneer Language PointE-learners Step into the Unknown
1. (Title) e-learner
Here "e-" stands for electronic.
e-class 网络课堂
e-mail 电子邮件
e-dictionary 电子词典
e-commerce 电子商务
Language Point

Language PointWith 11 Internet courses and three master's degrees to his credit, 28-year-old Charles Sturek recalls the panic he felt during his first week of e-class.

2. (Para. 1) With 11 Internet courses and three master's degrees to his credit, 28-year-old Charles Sturek recalls the panic he felt during his first week of e-class.
28岁的Charles Sturek已经修完了11门网络课程,并拿到了3个硕士学位,回忆起第一周的网络课程学习,当时的恐慌心情,至今仍记忆犹新。
with/have sth. to sb.'s credit: having achieved sth. 归(某人)拥有,在(某人)名下
e.g. She is not yet 30, but already has two novels to her        credit.
Language Point

He graduated from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in May. He said he was as overwhelmed as any college freshman by the time he "arrived" at his first online session.




Language Point

"I printed out all the course materials, put them in six-ring binders," Sturek said. Language PointIn a class with few set time constraints, he struggled to understand where to "be" at any given time.

3. (Para. 3) In a class with few set time constraints, he struggled to understand where to "be" at any given time.
set: adj./n.
1) (only before noun) fixed 固定的
e.g. The evening meal is served at a set time.
2) the environment constructed to serve a certain purpose 环境,布局
e.g. the chalk-and-talk set (Para. 4): 粉笔加讲解的教学环境(即传统的课堂教学模式)
given: 特定的
e.g. The rules are to be followed in any given situation.
Language Point

Language PointIt took a face-to-face meeting with the professor to get adjusted to online learning. Anyway, it's an entirely different medium with few direct connections to the chalk-and-talk set.

4. (Para. 4) It took a face-to-face meeting with the professor to get adjusted to online learning.
It takes... to do sth.: to need (money/effort/a quality, etc.) in order for you to do sth. 做……需要(精力、金钱、品质等)
e.g. It took a lot of courage to admit you were wrong.
get adjusted to...: to gradually get used to a new situation by making small changes to the way you do things 调整以适应……
e.g. Getting adjusted to online learning was more difficult than they had expected.

“我把所有的课程资料都打印出来,一起装订在六环活页夹里,” 司徒瑞克说。由于上课几乎没有固定的时间限制,他费了好大劲才搞清楚什么时候该到哪里“上课”。


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Language Point

Language PointIt has been less than a decade since schools first embraced the Internet for distance learning. Now the university is among several colleges that are preparing to take the next big step.

5. (Para. 5) It has been less than a decade since schools first embraced the Internet for distance learning.
It has been...since...: 自从……以后,已经
e.g. It has been more than ten years since we first met.
Language Point

Distance learning is the next big thing in education, according to Paul Edelson, Stony Brook's dean of the School of Professional Development .

Language Point

For several years he has taught graduate-level courses online.





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Language Point

"E-learning has many benefits over the physical classroom", he said. These include a better ability to Language Pointengage students in must-participate discussions and media-rich resource materials over the Net.

6. (Para. 8)...engage students in must-participate discussions and media-rich resource materials over the net.
engage... in...: to make sb. take part or become involved in an activity 使加入,使参加
e.g. The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her neighbors' children.
engage in: to make oneself busy in 从事,忙于
e.g. Only 10% of American adults are engaged in regular exercise.
media-rich: rich in media 媒体丰富的
Language Point

Language PointIt also gives time-constrained or remotely located part-time students access to college level instruction they might otherwise never have.

7. (Para. 9) It also gives time-constrained or remotely located part-time students access to college level instruction they might otherwise never have.



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Language Point

"It fulfills the dream for Language Pointhigher education of improving performance of writing and thinking skills," Edelson said.

8. (Para. 10) higher education
elementary, secondary and higher education 初等、中等和高等教育
adult education 成人教育
bilingual education 双语教育
lifelong education 终身教育
Language Point

But even as established universities race ahead with online programs, many are urging caution.

Language Point

Critics point out that dropout rates for e-classes are significantly higher than that for face-to-face classes, Language Pointin some cases exceeding 40 percent.

9. (Para. 12) in some cases
in some/many/most cases 在某些/很多/多数情况下
e.g. In some cases, it is necessary to tell a lie.




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Language Point

Professors say online courses can require considerably more preparation work and student interaction. That is usually why online classes are limited to 20 students. Students also say online courses can require lots more time and lots more discipline. Extensive undergraduate programs may be premature. Some are concerned that Language Pointrushing Internet course work to the undergraduate level could rob students of critical socialization.

10. (Para. 13)... rushing Internet course work to the undergraduate level could rob students of critical socialization.
rob sb. of sth.: to take sth. away from sb. 剥夺/抢夺/抢劫某人某物
e.g. They knocked him down and robbed him of his watch.


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Language Point

David Pomeranz, associate president at Stony Brook, said budgetary concerns of smaller classes, legal issues of course ownership and the low level of the technology are all concerns, but the quality of teaching remains paramount.

Language Point

Pomeranz is studying Internet based e-learning to help determine the university's future participation. " Language PointIt's not the kind of instant give-and-take of a live audience," he said.

11. (Para. 15) It is not the kind of instant give-and-take of a live audience.
live: adj. a live performance is one in which the entertainer performs for people who are watching, rather than a film, record, etc. 现场演出的;现场直播的
e.g. live audience 现场观众
      The band will be giving a live concert performance next week.
Language Point

Access to courses is fairly easy, experts say.






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